We went to Ainsworth Hot Springs for our Anniversary in early January--Highly recommended! The springs do not have the usual sulfur smell-- No smell at all in fact, just hot mineral waters that make you a lot more buoyant. There is also a hot-spring-filled tunnel going into the mountainside that is a lot like a sauna. Very relaxing!
I couldn't resist making a snowman on one of the poolside benches! It was more difficult than usual because street clothes are not allowed poolside. So I had to pack the snow together and shape it while standing in snow, barefoot and wet in a bathing suit. It took about 45 seconds for my hands and feet to get numb so I was jumping in and out of the water a lot.
By the time we got to dinner, the Snowman had acquired a cat and Patrick from Spongebob Squarepants (also a water bottle in the left hand and a 3-scoop snowman on his right knee. Building him under the light added contrast to his features. I think it turned out well!
By the following morning, he had a hat, eyes and a mouth, and was standing on a snowboard (made of snow, of course) with a penguin, three rabbits and two chick-a-dees.
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