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Showing posts from October, 2018

Salmon in the Adams River

20181025-Salmon in the Adams River We went down to the Adams River to take in the very end of the Salmon Run this year.  It was amazing, beautiful, and poignant to see the bright red Coho Salmon, after swimming hundreds of miles inland, struggling further up streams that are increasingly shallow to reach the place of their birth.  Once there, they fertilize eggs, and die. The salmon swam upstream, past the rotting corpses of other salmon that had completed their journeys. Canadian Parks took pains to let visitors know to stay on the pathways, to not walk on the river or get too close to the Salmon.  It disrupts egg fertilization.  They even posted signs in Chinese for tourists. Which were sometimes ignored... My wife scolded the tourists who were walking around on the river rocks.  One of their daughters said, “We’re sorry,” in English, and they got back on the path. “I’m so mad at them!” she told me.  “Don’t they know the Salmon populatio...

T-Shirt Sayings

I've been collecting quotes that I'd like to see on a T-shirt someday--\ Here's my list so far, mostly from the commentariat of and its gracious host, J.M. Greer.  I plan to update it periodically.  Got any T-shirt sayings of your own?? GREAT T-SHIRT SAYINGS You are not your opinions You are not their opinions either - JM Greer The [Pharmacy] Business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good people die like dogs. There’s also a negative side... –Hunter Thompson God, Grant me the serenity to know that I can’t change others, the courage to change the only one I can change, and the wisdom to know its me “The real world is just a special case of the Theoretical and can be considered trivial and ignored” –Jaz Nights How I found Jesus, lost weight and improved my sex life through Witchcraft –display as a book cover The plural of anecdotes really IS data Front of T-shirt; All g...