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Showing posts from January, 2019

Wolf Supermoon Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse

Tonight we had a chance to view a full-moon eclipse, here in British Columbia.  But not just any full moon-- It is a Supermoon, meaning that the Moon is at its closest approach to Earth.  It is also a blood moon and a Wolf Moon--Which I don't thoroughly understand.  Anyway, I was able to take pictures, some of which came out well; I also took a 30-second exposure of the hill and sky at the end of our driveway.  The sky was absolutely clear, and the constellations and the Milky Way were amazing!  My picture looked dark until I had the computer auto-enhance it.  Looks like I even got some of the stars to show up;

How to Change Cell Background Color by Cell Value in Open Office

First, the Reasonable Question. Why would anyone want the background color of the cells in their spreadsheet to change with different values of data? Sometimes it is convenient.   Suppose you are tracking multiple lab values across time.   Wouldn’t it be great to have a low value be blue, WNL green, and high value pastel red? With changing colors, you can tell at a glance what the data trends are for multiple measurements.  If your patient's Potassium starts low and keeps climbing, you could, for example, see a color change from Low Blue to Green to Red.  Just a glance tells you to pay attention, where bare black numbers on a white background might not catch your attention.  And if you want to pay attention to particular numbers, the data number is still going to be in the cell for review. This feature can be applied to other types of data as well.  I use it in my CE-tracking spreadsheet to keep track of multiple finicky sub-requirements in the three region