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Showing posts from February, 2017

How to Copy and Sync Directories in Linux

How to transfer folders and subdirectories (20170210) The Dolphin file manager in Kubuntu can be used to transfer files.  However, if you try to transfer whole directories with subdirectories and the files in them, it does not always work.  When I tried this, after the computer crash, Dolphin transferred the directories, but not the files! Better to use CLI, the Command Line Interface.  Issuing one cryptic, gargantuan command will do exactly what you want with no muss, and no fuss. rsync is the command you want-- A quick google search brought up rsync, a CLI command for synchronizing directories. The general format of the command is; rsync -avr /miscellaneous/source/directory /miscellaneous/destination/directory Of course, you have to figure out what exactly goes into the directory pathways. Choose your options -avr is the options part of the command, where  “a” means file attributes will transfer, including permissions, comments, etc. “v” means verbose = show what’s being done “r”

Crabbing about Crabtree

Hello again, At a friend's request, I read an essay by theologian Jack Crabtree about building the Christian Church.  Here's a link. audiofiles/Crisis_Paper-1_ Only-One-Truth.pdf   Wrote more than I thought on this one, so into the blog it goes! I clicked on paper #1 and read it.  I have a few comments; How to build the Church.  It's a big problem these days.  I remember a sincere young black man, a Jehovah's Witness, who came knocking at my door.  I noticed that this clean cut young man in a suit had some scars and some tattoos on his neck that indicated he had been involved in some sort of street gang for a while.  He made his sales pitch.  I told him, "You have to start with a hard look inside yourself.  It doesn't matter what you say to me, It doesn't matter what people think about JW's.  The most important thing to find out is what you _know_ is really, really true in the depths