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Showing posts from February, 2015

How to Drive a Voyager Van with a Blown Engine

My '97 Voyager Van has 240,000 miles on it.   Usually, Voyager Vans of that vintage have their transmissions fall out at 90,000 miles.  This one has lasted the entire 240,000 miles.  I would try for a quarter million, but (alas!) the engine is blown--at least, technically.  I am still driving it to work. The trouble began about 6 months ago.  While driving home from work, the temperature gauge rapidly climbed to the top of its range.  I turned on the heater-- a common way to take some heat out of an overheated engine.  At first, it worked, blowing 120 degree air into the passenger compartment.  That lasted 20 minutes.  Then the air began blowing cold.  The radiator was clearly out of fluid.  Fortunately, I was almost home by then, and the engine made it back, but the radiator developed several leaks.  Oddly, the radiator reservoir was still full of fluid. The garage couldn't figure out what was going on for a while.  I took a gamble and got a new radiator, and it seemed to